Arman Amaniآرمان امانی
Sex | Status | Date of birth | Date of death | Place of birth | Place of death | Age | Occupation |
Male | Dead | 5 Jul 1999 | 17 Nov 2019 | Masjedsoleyman | Najafabad, Isfahan | 20 | Looking for work |
I'm #ArmanArmani. Islamic Republic murdered me on Nov 17, 2019 when I was only 20. I was born on July 5th, 1999 in Masjedsoleyman. I lived in Najafabad, Isfahan. I had just finished my mandatory military service and was looking for a job. I was polite & calm. I had recently fallen in love.
Iranians were protesting the increase in price of gas in November 2019. On the night of Nov 17, 2019, I went out to buy my dad's medicine in Najafabad, Isfahan. My close friend, #MohammadPourPirAli and I went towards the pharmacy. On our way, we got to where people were protesting. We could hear the sound of shootings. Security forces were shooting bullets at people. All of the sudden, my friend was shot and he fell on the ground. When I tried to escape, I was shot in the head. I fell on the ground and died right there.
People took my body to the hospital. When my family noticed that I hadn't returned home, they searched everywhere. When they learned about my death and found my body, security forces didn't give my body back to my family. Their excuse was that they had to investigate my death. They told my family that my family had to wait until the result of the investigation is out and that they would only give my body back if my dad promised in writing that he had no complaints against anyone or about my death.
My family was under a lot of pressure & was forced to agree. Security forces asked my family to leave and told them they would bring my body to them.
9 days passed after my death. My family already held memorial services for the 3rd & 7th days of my death in Masjedsoleyman, when several security agents brought my body back to their door on Nov 25th. My family was told that only less than 10 people could attend my burial service in complete silence. A few of my family members went to my place of birth and I was unjustly buried.
A few days after the burial, a large memorial service was held for me. My parents said they didn't have a complaint against anyone and they left my murderer to be dealt with by God.
Today, July 5th 2023 is my birthday. If I were alive I would have blown out my 24th birthday candle, but the regime murderers didn't let that happen.
I was buried during the peak of my youth with thousands of dreams when I was going to experience love for the first time. My name is Arman & I had bad luck No one had worse luck than me Destiny wrote my name with pain My days were written by sorrow World was not my friend My luck didn't have an eye towards being awake The world's happiness didn't become mine Destiny didn't become my healer either.
Biography written by @baharsp